Craig Patterson, lecturer in Galician and Hispanic Studies at Cardiff University, will translate the text from Forever in Galicia by Castelao for the bilingual Anthology of Galician Literature to be published by Xerais and Galaxia in spring 2010. The text was chosen by Xosé Neira Vilas and is one of three essays included in the anthology.
Anyone who knows Craig knows of the labour of love that is his excellent and much-needed translation of Forever in Galicia by Castelao (due out with University of Wales Press in 2011). Craig has a degree in Hispanic Studies from the University of Birmingham and a doctorate on Galician Cultural Identity in the Works of Ramón Otero Pedrayo from Queen’s College, Oxford. His doctorate, published by Edwin Mellen Press in 2006, was published in Xabier Cid’s Galician translation as O devalar da idea: Otero Pedrayo e a identidade galega by the Otero Pedrayo Foundation in 2008. He was Sir Henry Thomas Junior Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham and lecturer in Spanish at the University of Stirling before becoming lecturer in Galician and Hispanic Studies at the School of European Studies in Cardiff.
He contributed to the translation of Things by Castelao and Them and Other Stories by Xosé Luís Méndez Ferrín, both published by Planet Books in Wales. Planet Books will soon bring out his translation of another Galician classic – A esmorga (On a Bender) by Eduardo Blanco Amor.
Craig is president of the International Association of Galician Studies and a corresponding member of the Royal Galician Academy. He contributes a weekly column, Devalar, to the Galician newspaper Galicia Hoxe. We are delighted that his translation of Castelao’s work will appear in the anthology!
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